Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Little Two Eyes - The Girlfriend Album

This one's pure Eric and Andrew. Recorded inbetween the Orlando and Gainesville eras. Some great songs on this one.

A Pretty Sweet Delay Box

Monday, April 5, 2010

Men Eat Rocks - Lonnie Rock

Scott Sturgeon, Vic Davis, Moon, That drummer guy, with help from Doug and Mel.

Very tinny mix at times. Mixdown procedure lysergically influenced.

On the plus side, it's got that midget song.

Lonnie Rock!

The Passionates - The Davenport Jamz

Four of the people in this picture made this recording. This is what happens when yer stuck in Davenprot Iowa for three days. Eight Jams of varying brilliance.


Melonscent - The Robbie Sessions

Rescued from a tape of a rough minidisc mixdown. I still think it's pretty good stuff.
